YAMAHA Recalls YZF-R6 2006-2010 Models

YAMAHA Recalls YZF-R6 2006-2010 Models

Yamaha is sending out a recall on all YZF-RG sport bikes manufactured from August 2005 to March 2010.

It has been found that the Yamaha YZF-R6 sport bikes which were manufactured from August 2005 to March 2010 had front side mirrors which did not reach federal safety standards. They are said to be not mounted high enough to pass the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 571.108 which states that the center point of front side mirrors or reflectors must be at least 381 millimeters above the ground, and at most 1524 millimeters from the same point. The center point of the front side mirrors of the said units is found to be an inch short, meaning its center point is only 358 mm above the ground.

The recall on the said Yamaha YZF-R6 sport bike units has a relatively large scope, which covers approximately 54,000 units around the globe. Yamaha says that the company will install into the units a new reflector bracket on the front side mirrors or reflectors to raise them high enough to meet the standards of safety. It will be a minor change, the company added. Yamaha, being a well-known motorcycle manufacturer is making sure that the recall will have as minimal damage as it can.

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